Avoid 2.9 million tons of C02 yearly by using the energy-efficiency solutions marketed by LEGRAND

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Terms of the action or commitment

-Benefit from experience feedback from energy efficiency actions implemented within LEGRAND
-Promote building sustainability offers
-Evaluate avoided and saved emissions
-Capitalize on already existing customer base (in 2018, our customers avoided 1.8 million tons of CO2 thanks to LEGRAND energy efficiency solutions)

Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe)

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Implementation timeline

Starting year


Ending year


Main actors mobilized

Internal actors

LEGRAND R&D centers, marketing and sales teams

External actors


Geographic area


Photo / Video

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2022 follow-up of the action

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Date of follow-up


Methods of validation of the follow-up

External validation within the Unique Registration Document (URD)

Status of the action

In progress


a) Results


Partially achieved

Not achieved


Comparison with the projected pace in the last publications

Keeping up with the times

In advance


Partial / Final results
Thanks to Energy Efficiency solutions sales growth, the target has been exceeded by 14% in 2021 (3.3 million tons avoided).

Company's others commitments :