Accelerate the implementation of material reuse in buildings, via the “Reuse Booster” program

Terms of the action or commitment
In 2020, Bouygues Immobilier is making a commitment to the IFPEB to accelerate the implementation of the reuse of materials in its buildings. 5 projects
will be selected each year to be included in the “Reuse Booster”. Support will be provided for these projects and will allow
– An analysis of the project with identification of the possible reuse lots;
– An integration in the platform of the materials of reuse;
– An assistance in the drafting of the written documents;
– A feedback on the other operations developed by the members of the Booster;
– Communication (visibility, carbon saving certificates, etc.)
Three projects have already been launched: ZC5 (Saint Denis, 33,000 m2 ), Kalifornia (Malakoff, 23,500 m2 ), EDA (Paris 15, 15,000 m2 ).
Through this booster, Bouygues Immobilier is one of some thirty project owners who have committed to working on 150 sites to promote the reuse of
of materials.
This initiative is part of a desire to minimize its environmental impact and maximize its positive impact on the territory.
Thanks to this booster, from 2021, an interoperable platform with all the reuse platforms will be put online to connect buyers
with the sellers of these materials.
Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe)
Implementation timeline
Starting year
Ending year
Main actors mobilized
Internal actors
Bouygues Immobilier
External actors
French Institute for Building Performance (IFPEB)
Geographic area
Bouygues Immobilier France excluding subsidiary
Photo / Video
2022 follow-up of the action
Date of follow-up
Methods of validation of the follow-up
Status of the action
In progress
a) Results
Partially achieved
Not achieved
b) Numerical / Qualitative information
Comparison with the projected pace in the last publications
Keeping up with the times
In advance
Company's comments
Bouygues Immobilier, Bouygues Bâtiment France Europe and Linkcity have joined forces with some thirty contracting authorities. In 2020, they launched the “Reuse Booster”, a collective initiative to promote the reuse of materials on a massive scale, where supply is abundant but demand is poorly structured. The online platform “Looping” makes the demand for materials visible and predictable. Each year, each signatory must commit five construction sites to supply themselves with reused materials from old deconstructed buildings.
The Flaubert office project in Rouen (Seine-Maritime), led by Bouygues Bâtiment Grand Ouest and Linkcity, is an example of the involvement of the “Reuse Booster”.