Develop circular offers and associated marketing
Terms of the action or commitment
Creation of the CARL calculator enabling design and engineering firms to propose eco-friendly and low-carbon variants by objectifying the CO2 emissions savings generated for the clients and within awarded contracts. Reflections on the resources used within the life cycle will also be considered.
For specific processes, such as the on-site reprocessing of asphalt road with the ARM 2500 which contains a bio-sourced emulsion, specific objectives, defined by the amount of surface achieved, are defined for the Road branch.
For specific processes, such as the on-site reprocessing of asphalt road with the ARM 2500 which contains a bio-sourced emulsion, specific objectives, defined by the amount of surface achieved, are defined for the Road branch.
Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe)
Implementation timeline
Starting year
Ending year