Share information on the environmental and social impact of products with consumers in a transparent manner

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Terms of the action or commitment


Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe)

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Implementation timeline

Starting year


Ending year


Main actors mobilized

Internal actors


External actors


Geographic area


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2022 follow-up of the action

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Date of follow-up

commitment which ended in 2020, replaced by new 2022 commitments

Methods of validation of the follow-up

commitment which is no longer followed (cf. comments)

Status of the action

In progress


a) Results


Partially achieved

Not achieved


Comparison with the projected pace in the last publications

Keeping up with the times

In advance


Partial / Final results
In 2020, 100% of the international brands, which were present in the Group in 2013, have assessed their environmental and social impact. Including acquisitions since 2013, this percentage would be 89%.

In 2020, 79% of brands have carried out a consumer awareness action.
Company's comments
For many years, L’Oréal has begun a profound transformation of its model, in all areas, in order to adapt to the great changes in the world. Convinced that sustainable development is an essential factor for success and durability, L’Oréal is deploying an ambitious corporate social responsibility policy, which is shared by its management and teams.

Following its first sustainability programme ‘Sharing beauty with all’, L’Oréal initiated in June 2020 the second generation of its commitments to sustainable development, under the umbrella of a programme called L’Oréal for the Future, with a new set of particularly ambitious targets for 2030.

As part of L’Oréal for the Future, the Group is no longer able to follow up this commitment because L’Oréal has moved to new indicators, which are more holistic, covering all the impacts associated with its value chain : its production and distribution sites, but also its supply chains and the impacts associated with the use of products by consumers.


Company's others commitments :