Reduce waste production, with a target of 9% by 2025 (as a proportion of sales)

Terms of the action or commitment
The Group’s waste production corresponds to the total production of waste (hazardous and non-hazardous waste) in relation to sales (t/M€). In 2019, this amounts to 16.4 t/M€. The Group aims to reduce waste production relative to sales to 15.0 t/M€ in 2025, i.e. a reduction target of 9% from 2019 to 2025.
To contain waste production in a phase of significant growth, the Group has set an ambitious target and is deploying associated tools. As part of its ISO 14001 certification, the Group plans to reduce its landfill waste, increase the proportion of its waste with energy recovery, and has set a target of achieving synergy actions between the Purchasing, Industrial and Research & Development Departments with the following perspectives
– continue to reduce the consumption of materials
– to improve development time during the launch phase of new projects (products and processes);
– implement a monthly follow-up of the main waste producers
Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe)
Implementation timeline
Starting year
Ending year