Reduce waste production, with a target of 5% in 2020 (as a percentage of sales)

Terms of the action or commitment
In order to achieve the objective of reducing waste production as a percentage of sales by 5% between 2016 and 2020,
Valeo’s approach to waste reduction is to :
– optimizing manufacturing processes in order to limit waste production
– recycling everything that can be recycled in the industrial process, without compromising product quality.
The achievement of the 2020 objective is based on an operational plan articulated around 2 complementary logics of :
– minimizing waste generation. This reduction in waste generation is mainly based on:
(i) reducing the weight of packaging, (ii) reducing the number of packages, (iii) recycling packaging. These actions are developed in partnership with the manufacturer customers,in accordance with their requirements and the high quality standards of the automotive sector
– working with waste reprocessors in all the countries where Valeo operates (following the logic of recycling, recovery and
and disposal). This work is based in particular on enhanced waste traceability (characteristics of the waste shipped, the company in charge of transporting it, the company in charge of disposal)
Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe)
Implementation timeline
Starting year
Ending year
Main actors mobilized
Internal actors
Risk and Environmental Insurance Department, Purchasing and Industrial Department
Sustainable Development and Public Affairs Department
External actors
Water suppliers, energy suppliers (electricity, natural gas, fuel oil)
Geographic area
The entire Valeo Group (30 countries of operation in the world, 134 sites)
Photo / Video
2022 follow-up of the action
Date of follow-up
22 avril 2022
Methods of validation of the follow-up
The monitoring of this commitment is made possible by the annual public publication of these indicators in the Group's reference document :
Status of the action
In progress
a) Results
Partially achieved
Not achieved
Comparison with the projected pace in the last publications
Keeping up with the times
In advance
In 2019, the total amount of waste generated relative to sales remained stable compared to the base year in 2015 (16.4 t/M€). After a slight increase in 2020 (17.4 t/M€), the amount of waste produced in relation to sales decreases significantly in 2021 (14.8 t/M€). The target set for 2020, compared to 2015, is therefore finally reached between 2020 and 2021, and is exceeded in 2021, with the final reduction reaching 9.8%.
In order to go beyond the target it had set for 2020, the Group continues to increase synergy efforts between the Purchasing, Industrial and R&D Departments, with the aim of:
- continue to reduce material consumption ;
- improve the development time during the launch phase of new projects (products and processes), which has a positive impact on the reduction of waste produced;
- set up regular monitoring of the main waste producers, as soon as risks of waste production outside the Group’s requirements are detected.
The upward trend observed between 2019 and 2020 is explained by the drop in activity related to the Covid-19 health crisis. Following this increase, the Group has remained vigilant in order to return to a trajectory compatible with the target of -5% compared to the 2015 reference, and to exceed it, reducing the amount of waste produced by nearly 10% in 2021.