BNP Paribas

BNP Paribas is committed to reducing its direct environmental impacts by reducing material inputs, primarily paper but also single-use plastics.

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe) ShapeCreated with Sketch. Implementation timeline Starting year Ending year Main actors mobilized Internal actors External actors Geographic area Photo / Video noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. 2022 follow-up of the action ShapeCreated with Sketch. Date of follow-up Methods of validation …

BNP Paribas is committed to reducing its direct environmental impacts by reducing material inputs, primarily paper but also single-use plastics. Read More »

BNP Paribas is committed to reducing waste and to ensuring its recycling wherever possible. BNP Paribas is committed to making progress each year on the weight of recycled waste per employee, mostly paper, and on the quality of this data.

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe) ShapeCreated with Sketch. Implementation timeline Starting year Ending year Main actors mobilized Internal actors External actors Geographic area Photo / Video noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. 2022 follow-up of the action ShapeCreated with Sketch. Date of follow-up Methods of validation …

BNP Paribas is committed to reducing waste and to ensuring its recycling wherever possible. BNP Paribas is committed to making progress each year on the weight of recycled waste per employee, mostly paper, and on the quality of this data. Read More »

BNP Paribas is committed to reducing its direct environmental impacts by reducing material inputs, primarily paper but also single-use plastics.

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Closed Commitment – Cf Commitment 5 (New objectives) The previous commitment on paper consumption has been exceeded – in 2020, paper consumption in the group was 58kg/FTE with a target set at 94kg/FTE – and the previous target on responsible paper share was almost reached – …

BNP Paribas is committed to reducing its direct environmental impacts by reducing material inputs, primarily paper but also single-use plastics. Read More »

Supporting the development of the circular economy by improving the identification processes for the companies which operate in this domain and offering them appropriate financing

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment The subject is considered strategic by BNP Paribas, which has identified it among the 5 priorities presented in the Sustainable Business Development Plan integrated into the Group’s 2022-2025 strategic plan (see presentation of the Group’s annual results of 5 February 2021 available Here). Our approach is …

Supporting the development of the circular economy by improving the identification processes for the companies which operate in this domain and offering them appropriate financing Read More »

BNP Paribas is committed to developing financial solutions to support the economy of functionality

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment The subject is considered strategic by BNP Paribas, which has identified it among the 5 priorities presented in the Sustainable Business Development Plan integrated into the Group’s 2022-2025 strategic plan (see presentation of the Group’s annual results of 5 February 2021 available Here). BNP Paribas supports …

BNP Paribas is committed to developing financial solutions to support the economy of functionality Read More »