
80% of products revenues covered by Green Premium™

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Launched in 2008, Schneider Electric’s Green Premium™ program was created to provide its customers with more sustainable products and to be transparent with environmental information.  the main objectives for the Green Premium™ program is to:  Ensure compliance with the latest regulations within an even more demanding …

80% of products revenues covered by Green Premium™ Read More »

100% of our primary and secondary packaging is free from single use plastic and uses recycled cardboard

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Packaging is the first visible asset seen by customers and is associated with major environmental challenges such as resource depletion, CO2 emissions, waste generation, and marine pollution. Globally, a strengthening of the regulatory framework requires the development of new packaging alternatives to enhance recyclability and minimize …

100% of our primary and secondary packaging is free from single use plastic and uses recycled cardboard Read More »

Enlarge Green Premium label to services and solutions

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe) ShapeCreated with Sketch. Implementation timeline Starting year Ending year Main actors mobilized Internal actors External actors Geographic area noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. 2022 follow-up of the action ShapeCreated with Sketch. Date of follow-up Methods of validation of the follow-up …

Enlarge Green Premium label to services and solutions Read More »

Double quantity of recycled plastic in product (pre and post consumer) by 2025 compare to 2017

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe) ShapeCreated with Sketch. Implementation timeline Starting year Ending year Main actors mobilized Internal actors External actors Geographic area noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. 2022 follow-up of the action ShapeCreated with Sketch. Date of follow-up Methods of validation of the follow-up …

Double quantity of recycled plastic in product (pre and post consumer) by 2025 compare to 2017 Read More »

200 sites labeled Towards Zero Waste to Landfill

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe) ShapeCreated with Sketch. Implementation timeline Starting year Ending year Main actors mobilized Internal actors External actors Geographic area noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. 2022 follow-up of the action ShapeCreated with Sketch. Date of follow-up Methods of validation of the follow-up …

200 sites labeled Towards Zero Waste to Landfill Read More »

Develop and deploy R&D experiments of reuse and valorisation solutions on work sites

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment The circular economy is emerging as a necessary model, leading to a rethinking of the way we design, manufacture and build. The development of circular economy solutions and their integration into Eiffage’s activities contributes to the reduction of the pressure on natural resources. Selective deconstruction, reuse …

Develop and deploy R&D experiments of reuse and valorisation solutions on work sites Read More »

Reduce the ecological footprint on the whole value chain

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe) ShapeCreated with Sketch. Implementation timeline Starting year Ending year Main actors mobilized Internal actors External actors Geographic area Photo / Video Contact the company Commitment’s URL Link Company’s others commitments :

Evolution of the types of services offered to include “selective deconstruction”

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe) ShapeCreated with Sketch. Implementation timeline Starting year Ending year Main actors mobilized Internal actors External actors Geographic area Photo / Video noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. 2022 follow-up of the action ShapeCreated with Sketch. Date of follow-up Methods of validation …

Evolution of the types of services offered to include “selective deconstruction” Read More »

Operation of a shared, compact, and multiservice platform which includes inert waste sorting servicing various work sites and opened to other construction professionals

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe) ShapeCreated with Sketch. Implementation timeline Starting year Ending year Main actors mobilized Internal actors External actors Geographic area Photo / Video Précédent Suivant noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. 2022 follow-up of the action ShapeCreated with Sketch. Date of follow-up Methods …

Operation of a shared, compact, and multiservice platform which includes inert waste sorting servicing various work sites and opened to other construction professionals Read More »

Create a demonstrator of circular economy practices at the scale of an ecodistrict

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe) ShapeCreated with Sketch. Implementation timeline Starting year Ending year Main actors mobilized Internal actors External actors Geographic area Photo / Video Précédent Suivant noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. 2022 follow-up of the action ShapeCreated with Sketch. Date of follow-up Methods …

Create a demonstrator of circular economy practices at the scale of an ecodistrict Read More »