New 2022

Eco-design: Implement an eco-design approach taking into account all stages of the product life cycle – all new products on the market will be eco-designed by 2025, an approach that will be extended to our top selling products already on the market by 2030.

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe) ShapeCreated with Sketch. Implementation timeline Starting year Ending year Main actors mobilized Internal actors External actors Geographic area Photo / Video Contact the company Commitment’s URL Link Commitment’s URL Link 2 Company’s others commitments :

Waste management – Reuse, Recycle, Recover: transform waste into resources – More than 90% of waste will be either reused, recycled or recovered and 100% of our sites will no longer use landfill

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe) ShapeCreated with Sketch. Implementation timeline Starting year Ending year Main actors mobilized Internal actors External actors Geographic area Photo / Video Download PDF Contact the company Commitment’s URL Link Commitment’s URL Link 2 Company’s others commitments :

25 % recycled content in newly developed rolling stock by 2025

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe) ShapeCreated with Sketch. Implementation timeline Starting year Ending year Main actors mobilized Internal actors External actors Geographic area Photo / Video Download PDF Contact the company Commitment’s URL Link Company’s others commitments :

Recovery of used uniforms from insulating material

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment This project consisted in identifying a local partner to recycle Eurotunnel’s used industrial clothing. This partner collects and grinds them to transform them into an insulation material for the automobile or construction industry. In return, the Group will take over some of these products, which have …

Recovery of used uniforms from insulating material Read More »

Limit waste production and optimize waste management

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe) ShapeCreated with Sketch. Implementation timeline Starting year Ending year Main actors mobilized Internal actors External actors Geographic area Download PDF Contact the company Commitment’s URL Link Company’s others commitments :

Optimize water use

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe) ShapeCreated with Sketch. Implementation timeline Starting year Ending year Main actors mobilized Internal actors External actors Geographic area Download PDF Contact the company Commitment’s URL Link Company’s others commitments :

Develop eco-design for responsible products

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe) ShapeCreated with Sketch. Implementation timeline Starting year Ending year Main actors mobilized Internal actors External actors Geographic area Photo / Video Download PDF Contact the company Commitment’s URL Link Company’s others commitments :

Develop our glass reuse and return capacity

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe) ShapeCreated with Sketch. Implementation timeline Starting year Ending year Main actors mobilized Internal actors External actors Geographic area Photo / Video Download PDF Contact the company Commitment’s URL Link Company’s others commitments :

Maximize the use of recycled glass (external cullet) in our products

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe) ShapeCreated with Sketch. Implementation timeline Starting year Ending year Main actors mobilized Internal actors External actors Geographic area Photo / Video Download PDF Contact the company Commitment’s URL Link Company’s others commitments :

Combat pollution and accelerate the ecological transition by increasing the turnover linked to the circular economy. Target 2023: €6.3 billion

noun-next-1597343Created with Sketch. Terms of the action or commitment Levers mobilized for circular economy (according to Ademe) ShapeCreated with Sketch. Implementation timeline Starting year Ending year Main actors mobilized Internal actors External actors Geographic area Photo / Video Download PDF Contact the company Commitment’s URL Link Company’s others commitments :